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Windsor is a place that has buildings over a hundred years old. They complement some of the trees nicely and create a sense of history. Some of the old architecture that you will find in this city is designed in an older English style, like Willistead Manor. When walking up to its beautiful entrance one feels like a character in a Jane Austen novel, come to call on an important associate or would be lover. The park is open to the public and the mansion is frequently open as well. The history of Walkerville in the time period of the early 20th century, and the family that helped form it live in the aura of this magnificent home and garden. The era and culture come to life when you step inside and smell the original wood. There is no single location greater than Willistead that I’m as eager to see on the big screen!
Windsor has a diverse range of neighborhoods, from the Italian restaurants of Erie St. to the bars of downtown, the shops along Ottawa, and the many residential suburbs that populate this urban melting pot.
A true tribute to the spirit of Windsor’s blessing the new with the charm of the old is the nearly retro-fitted Armouries building downtown by the University of Windsor.
Old buildings such as the post office in Olde Sandwich town remind us of just how old this area is, and the influence the past still has over us as we have such feeling for the old architecture we refuse to tear buildings down. This location is a perfect place to set a scene from the early 1900’s – a time when the world was beginning to stretch its imagination to what was possible in society; buildings like this remind us that a hundred years later history repeats itself, as we again find ourselves during societal change.
After you drive through all of the wonderful Windsor architecture, you’ll want to take your shoot to Colchester, right to the edge of Essex County, of Canada, of so many things right out on the edge – face west – and watch the sun slip away into the lake leaving a glorious canvas of pink and orange across the limitless sky.
There is beauty here like no other art gallery in the world has to offer – whether you find it in the cities old architecture, or the counties natural spaces – you will see why film-makers will flock to this city in the future to set their movies in a little town with a big potential.
So crack a beer and stay awhile.
What is your favourite old building in Windsor?